
plan on year end and stuff (2023)

g'day people. I started writing now again when I am having time to write.

yep. the year is gonna an end. Let's try writing some summaries over the last time listing what happened on my side.

Firstly, about the Linux thing. I temporarily hopped back to using Windows, due to various reasons. But the certain thing is compatibility and free time. I honestly can't spend all my time using Linux, but Linux itself is a very different thing so without me using it more frequently, I have no reason to use it. Windows is admittedly easier to use and much more convenient thus for busy people like me it would be better. Linux, although is a good platform to try, requires user efforts to have a suitable experience. So I choose Windows these days. However I would like to install Lin again in a later good day.

Secondly, the RSSus thing. I decided not to try yet this time. Will dig it up later I promise.

Next, the lore of this laptop. I am using a Dell Inspiron 5577, which I were gifted by a brother living in US. It's a pretty good mid-end laptop and also budget. I received it in late July this year and still using up to now. It may not run extensive AAA titles but well, it was at no cost, even shipping. Thanks you brother. (btw I lost the eBay bill lol, but it came from a Goodwill repository. Pictures? Let 'em at the later.)

next... anything else? ah okay. Yes, I plan to learn Python and something but you know, I am a procrastonator lord so atm I still didn't learn anything new. My IT curriculum teaches ICT so I have to learn database management but it's not my pro. I want something more logical and uh... computer scientism so yep, but my Math is a little sucking rn. okay, I know this.

And well, that's all for now. But not done yet. I will append more things at a later time.

btw, Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

(last edited Dec/14 6:03 PM ICT 2023)