a list of hyperlinx to websites which I see them useful or for my interest.
Gotta list some below maybe:
-Level 29 BBS --this one was my first BBS I've ever visited (ofc, from this video.) You can access it via a telnet client to bbs.fozztexx.com, or go directly to the site and use the shellinabox embedded frame, or dialup to the number shown in the webpage. Additionally, you can visit r/retrobattlestations as well. (Never been there before, but I think I should take a look.)
-oldnet.co.za --someone in Level 29 (pyrodrake) just opened this site with HTTP protocol. You can find something fun to play around here, in those PHP-written pages. Since it is launched in HTTP, you can better access it on old computers with limited network conditions. (update: this is currently down and I can't contact the operator. Index failed.
-Telehack --I was once being here in the past, under the name barn2. You can access this via either a Telnet or SSH client.
-nixCraft, a blog which writes anything about tips and tricks using Linux or *nix stuff. I recently found it and it's quite useful.
-Protoweb, a proxy to simulate 2000s or older internet gateway, using Wayback Machine. Really fun if you have an actual retro PC with modem/T1 connection.
-86box, an IBM-compatible emulator designed for emulating old machines all the
way back from Intel 8080 to "more recent" Pentium II. Although it's a good emulator, it still has some drawbacks
such as software rendering, single core reliant which require a really decent CPU with good IPC (instruction
per clock/core), says, having a good single-core benchmark. AMD FX users are probably crying lol. Also
no Pentium III just kidding. They just didn't implement yet atm, also it would affect your performance a bunch. I will have an insight article for it
another day.
-Ivon Huang's Blog. He is a Taiwanese blogger writing about tech stuff and also focus in other topics such as history and aircraft. Actually I mostly read his articles for tech-related guidances, and he seems to take a certain look at mobile fun: doing stuff on his phones like installing a PRoot Linux distro, Pine Phone/PineTab review and more. Also available in Traditional Chinese (yes, unlike in mainland, however sometimes TW documents use Simplified). Note that sometimes weird popups appear when reading some of the articles; I advise you to read it via an RSS reader for better experience. An XML feed is probably shown on his page, you can look for it.
-Varun's website. This mate might be around as old as me but has had a gnarly ted talk about cybersecurity and did a lot of technie works (all for a self-taught attempt??) during covid-19, which is reckon an excuse for my deadset admire to him.
and more that probably will add later.