A place for pictures storing here. This includes images in JPG, PNG, WEBP or more, even SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics, an XML-based image format that uses vector graphics to draw images. Moreover, SVG is open-source either!)
Usually, access to images is open, but not the directory (If a directory has no index.html file, when you try to access it, then you will be given back a 403 forbidden error; the access to directories has been disabled on most of web servers you see on the interwebz, yet there's a way to enable the thing if you are on your own ones). So, you can only see the image if you know its existence; but you can't see the directory, so there's no easier way for you to find out.
Lil' reminding: This index page is created only for fun and appearance purpose only; no actual picture will be shown hereby.
OBTW, this isn't Neocities. You can browse the images via this page's repo.
Fun fact: on the URL bar, replace the index.html which is behind the /pictures/ with index.svg (or add that if there's no index.html residents) and see what happens.