

A newly opened series recording my attempts trying to learn things and knowledge copied from the internet. You know, upon when I can write something and push it up here, I mostly learned from the Internet, just from every HTML tags, CSS attribs, Batch and Python copypastas, and pretty more.

This place will be a one-stop for my code drafts and pieces of things I learned from the Internet which I can't be able to save it right into my brain, also for helping myself from gaining an ability of self-learning new things with or without tutors during a course or simply just keynoting important stuff during a progress of learning something new. I also hope that it will be useful for you too. Probably I can separate it into multiple folders and add a hyperlink for you to access. This is currently in progress so feel free to wait while it's being done. Drastical and sudden changes may happen more frequently.

P/S: it must have been a long time untouched but I planned to take a hiatus on this til next summer. Stay tuned for upcoming stuff! lel
PP/S: oh no it's been too long, but nvm...